Italy > Lombardia > Milano Piazza duomo Milano 20162

Cecilia Prete is a Artist from Milano with >20 years of experience


Born in Casale Monferrato in 1975, she had her Degree with merit in 1997 at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Brera in Milan. She has been working as a teacher of History of Art and Drawing in the middle Read more

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Born in Casale Monferrato in 1975, she had her Degree with merit in 1997 at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Brera in Milan. She has been working as a teacher of History of Art and Drawing in the middle and high school for fifteen years. Moreover she works as an artist and an organizer in art events. During her school experience she obtained several masters such as in Engineering of Jewel, in Museum setup, in Art Management and Design. She collaborated a lot with theatres in Milan (Smeraldo, Nazionale and Olmetto) and with the Foundation Pistoletto-Cittadellarte of Biella: she promoted the events and she wrote critic essays. In 2009 she created the cultural association “Dire, Fare, Disegnare”; as director, she promotes Art through lessons, events, guided tours and conferences. She obtained several national awards in painting and graphics. Her latest exhibitions have been for Symposium XXI, (directed by the Circolo della Stampa Internazionale dell’Arte & del Gusto); for Musae (Experimental Town Museum in New Art) and for “Casale Capitale del Monferrato”, as one of the 26 artist ambassadors of Monferrato.

Birthday: 15.04.1975

Employer: Art Senior

Years of Experience: >20

Qualification: Laurea

Employment Search: Si

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano Piazza duomo Milano 20162
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