Italy > Lombardia > Brescia

carlo monopoli is a Artist from Desenzano del Garda with >20 years of experience


My name is Carlo Monopoli. Artist, teacher of painting techniques and professional illustrator, I realized many works in Italy and overseas. I specialize in all the techniques graphic / pictorial Read more

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My name is Carlo Monopoli.
Artist, teacher of painting techniques and professional illustrator, I realized many works in Italy and overseas.
I specialize in all the techniques graphic / pictorial and I have more than 25 years of experience in the realization of illustrations, paintings, trompe l'oeil frescoes and works on a large scale.
I have received many awards and titles, as an artist.
I currently live in Desenzano del Garda
I move all over the country and internationally.
For immediate feedback on my work, you can visit my personal website.
Since 2012 Teacher and Artist of the project training workshops on painting techniques, entitled "THE FINE ART COLLECTIVE ITALY", in the most prestigious fine arts academies and schools of high level art in Italy

Sex: M

Birthday: 22.10.1970

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: >20

Employment Search: Si

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Brescia
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