Italy > Calabria > Reggio calabria

Massimo Commisso is a Architect from Marina di Gioiosa with 5-10 years of experience


My training began at the Art School, where I learned through art, the basics of getting through colors together, the study of geometric shapes and the harmony between them. I enrolled at the Read more

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My training began at the Art School, where I learned through art, the basics of getting through colors together, the study of geometric shapes and the harmony between them. I enrolled at the University of Architecture of Reggio Calabria.
I started my career with an Engineering Company, doing business primarily as a collaborator and design competitions in architecture (squares, gardens, public buildings, parks, etc..) And how to design landscape mitigation (mitigation of tunnels, roads, viaducts , highway).
I attended as a young designer in collaboration with other Architects in national and international competitions (Italy, Spain, Morocco), always treating the landscape as its main theme, considering the identity of the place, the characteristics, the elements (light, landscape, colors and plant species) as strengths for the design of places.

Very good knowledge of graphics programs and CAD, modeling, 2d-3d and fotorendering.

Employer: Architetto

Years of Experience: 5-10

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

Portfolio Skills

  • Other
  • CoronaVirus
  • Curriculum
  • Graphics design
  • Stand Fittings

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Address : Italy > Calabria > Reggio calabria
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