Italy > Lazio > Roma

DEEP DESIGN STUDIO is a Industrial Design from Roma


Deep-Design integrates the various skills in the field of exibition design, interior design and architecture on different levels of intervention. He designs prominent projects of a temporary and Read more

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Deep-Design integrates the various skills in the field of exibition design, interior design and architecture on different levels of intervention. He designs prominent projects of a temporary and permanent nature and offers his professionalism to design and realize exhibition, commercial and residential spaces, and to offer design and consulting services in the field of product design and graphics and visual communication. The design methodology is always aimed at interaction between form and function, technique and emotion, full and void, surface and volume, point and line, and in this plays a fundamental role in the perceptual dimension that is created through the combination of objects , volumes, lights, materials, space.
Internal resources are supported by a network of external consultants that complement and integrate skills. Our business is also supported by partners that enable us to provide, when required, a turnkey service ranging from ideation to implementation to support and assistance.
Flexibility, availability and ability to intervene in the different phases of the project through a targeted proliferation of ideas that result in a design that is always attentive to the ultimate goals.

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Address : Italy > Lazio > Roma
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