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La FantasticArte di Luigi .. is a Miscellaneous Services from Reggio Emilia



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Luigi Esposito, was born in Reggio Emilia on 3/2/1957.
Complying with a talent and inclination for art very early attended, after the compulsory school, the Art Institute "G. Clerics."
Following graduation, while the search for an illusory, complete artistic achievement, he sees me involved in several sectors. Initially decorator do for amusement park with mixed media (airbrush and brush), then sculptor making clay models for commissions of various kinds; gift from objects in sports trophies and silverware, with.
Interludes dedicated to the creation of graphical advertising depliands and trademarks.
The contact, though occasionally with Architects, I
has also led to the creation of sets and decorations for theater, dance halls and private TV stations increasingly broadening the range of techniques
(Roller, rag, graffiti, buffer, etc. ..), subject (Reni, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Canaletto, Canova, Bousch, Monet, Botero, etc. ..) and substrates (PVC, fiberglass, polystyrene, metal, wood, glass, Plexiglas, etc. ..) increasing my wealth of knowledge in the field and managed, so to satisfy a broader range of needs, while remaining a constant passion for oil painting, gouache, watercolor, etc. ..

Beginning in 1982, the first approaches to the restoration of the site and murals. In 1984, a chance meeting began a partnership with a restorer cheese. Interventions, more frequent in this area involve so much that I guess that my professional future will, as a constant, the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage.

The collaboration, described above, were on the following sites:
• CHURCH OF ST Euphemia (Piacenza): discialbatura, recovery of the frescoes, cleaning and reconstruction of the altar, and plaster moldings.
• BENEDICTINE (Piacenza): Statement of stucco.
• S. AUGUSTINE (Piacenza): consolidation and cleaning painting restoration of the frescoes.
• Palazzo Ducale COLORNO (Parma): intervention and cleaning of the frescoes on the staircase of Carrara marble
• CERTOSA paradigm (Parma): complex intervention of consolidation of wall hangings, discialbatura, reconstruction of the decorative plaster and painted in the dome, in the sails and transepts.
• CASTLE TORRECHIARA (PR): restoration of plaster and decorations, always following the techniques under the supervision of Mr. ICR. MORA and Dr. TORRACA (Rome).
• ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MODENA: Restoration of painting frescoes discovered under the wallpaper.
• CERTOSA Lambruschini (Parma): consolidation of the plaster, cleaning, fixing and painting restoration.
• DOME OF ST PETER (RE): consolidation of plaster with mortar injections, wraps, integrating painting and fixing.
• ROCK OF SCANDIANO (RE) and structural restoration and consolidation of the plaster blocks and bars with offices in many parts of the stucco in relief in the rooms and staircase, integration of modeling with restoration of the original tinted glaze with lime and coating.
Since 1988 I branched network of commissions they pay my professionalism, starting a collaboration with a company of Reggio, which involved the following sites:

• VILLA Soffiantini (Manea - BS): conservation work and restoration of painting murals.
• CHURCH of Fiorano Modenese: cleaning treatment and restoration of the painted surface and stucco.
• CHURCH of Roncaglia (RE) similar to the previous action.
• LEVI VILLA (the historical center of RE): intervention difficult, given the existing state of decay, aimed at restoration of the plaster and wall hangings of all, consolidation and restoration of the decorations of faux marble and stucco reliefs.
• DAIRY CASES Coper "LILY": separation of decorations on the wall and subsequent restoration.
• VILLA Fassa (Via della Rocca - REGGIOLO - RE): intervention difficult, given the existing state of decay, aimed at restoration of the plaster and wall hangings of all, consolidation and restoration of the decorations of faux marble and stucco reliefs. Fixing of ceilings Arellano.
• PALACE in downtown RE: restoration of a decorated canvas ceiling, removed, restored and put back in its original position.
• VILLA "SASSI" (on the outskirts of RE) Restoration of the external vestments decorated with lime.

The heterogeneity of the interventions, the issues confronted by the most appropriate solutions requiring even larger than in the past, the constant effort in updating and using the most modern technology with the highest regard for quality, allow me to state d ' have acquired a good mastery of painting techniques and restoration.
The great respect for the professionalism of the artists before our intervention have grown the dream of expressing themselves through their work, allows me to tune in a very personal way of the restoration of
trying to run, the choice
technology, materials and
colors, to respect the will
that the work itself gives me,
Especially check for "store".
The passion to bring the ancient splendors of the past offenses neglect works of man, from the aggression of the time and weather is still the spring that brings us to immerse ourselves completely in the action beyond what may be the satisfaction

Passion for Art, linked to the daily feeling of returning to its original beauty and fresco decorations obscured by dirt, neglect and time, my personal interest and curiosity to "enter" increasingly globally in ' atmosphere and to hear the performers of the paintings that I was going to restore from time to time, led me to play frescoes on special panels, previously shaved lime, selecting techniques and vintage materials.
Following the demand of the market I started with discreet satisfaction, activity directed to individuals. Executions, on panels or on a wall, architectural decorations or smashed (trompe - l'oeil) with various materials and techniques, come and meet the need to customize, expand and break through the spaces shrinking of this "living the years 2000 "to recover and regain angle now disappeared, combine the rational aspect of moving into 100 square meters., with the suggestion of balconies and patches of neoclassical architecture or neo-Liberty, carve out a corner to live freely that need to customize a wall, a closet, a new curtain wall, ranging from the most various painting techniques and case subjects. Scenic effects, such as to create the "breakthrough" of the real space with the illusion of "trompe l'oeil."

This market share, paid to the decoration does not scratch me, in any case, away from the conservation work and restoration of cultural heritage which, however, I could never relate in the first person with Architects and Superintendents, but always working together, now with a company of Parma, with whom we have dealt with the following interventions:

• CHURCH tree Vigatto (PR) from 13/10/1993 to 02/03/1994: conservative restoration and painting on the wall hangings, including special faux marble and stucco.
• CITY OF PARMA by: descialbatura, consolidation and fixing the ceiling at the entrance.
• Savings Bank PR and PC (Via Mistral - PR): reconstruction of decorated frames.
• CURIA PARMA: intervention similar to the previous year.
• CHURCH HALF Rondane (PR): restoration and reconstruction of descialbate decorations.
• Community of St. PANCRAZIO (PR). Former Municipality from 01.04.1996 to 04.07.1997: restoration in the two halls decorated with injections consolidation, cleaning and integration of the pictorial surface.
• CHURCH of BAGANZA ROOM: cleaning the decorations in the "bowl" with subsequent fixation of the paint film.
• PALACE Dazzi (PR) from 03.03.1998 to 20 -04-1998: Conservative restoration and reconstruction of the decorations. Restoration of the fountain of Carrara marble.
• CHURCH OF ST Francesca Colombo from 15/12/1999 to 20/03/2000 in Pontremoli: essays cleaning and restoration work on the stucco and plaster, with restoration of the original colorings in the apse and presbytery.
• City of Baganzola (PR). Former City: stratigraphic essays and works of consolidation and restoration of sites on the first floor rooms, with injections, cleaning and painting of painted surfaces integration and decorated.


The passion and emotional involvement in the restoration and preservation of artistic and architectural heritage, participation in industry meetings, contact with other artisans and their wealth of experience and techniques and the need for increased professionalism, I have stimulated a search for moments and opportunities to upgrade.
In '93 I attended a refresher course on "The restoration of works of Modern and Contemporary Art" of 200 hours, and completion of an "intervention in the Work of Art Modern and contemporary materials and methods "lasting 90 hours, ECIP held in Bologna, in collaboration with the Institute for Cultural Heritage, held in the Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art.
The determination and interest in techniques that allow the identification of chemical components that make up the materials and the possible interactions between them and the environment, the most recent developments in diagnosis and the need to understand what kind of contribution the technique can give in the conservation of cultural heritage has led me, in February 2001 to discuss that in participating in a course, organized and carried out at the Polytechnic of Milan, on "Diagnostic Techniques in Conservation of Cultural Heritage: the conservation
natural and artificial surfaces ", which lasted 50 hours.
In 2003, with the involvement of fellow restorers and ECIP, the CNA training institute in Reggio Emilia, has organized a course on "Diagnostic techniques in conservation of cultural heritage". This course has been fully carried out by teachers Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, with which we will update meetings in 2004.

The traditional company, with all the heritage of professionalism, craftsmanship and creativity has now changed the connotations and can no longer stand alone enthusiasm, simplicity, intuition and personal talent, but must be able to achieve a true "Renaissance Craftsman, "the result of companies that do not escape the fundamental duty to make up the performance of professional standing as possible, where a constant update and specialized, expertise and seriousness of the intervention, are the result of a necessary and urgent adaptation to standards that information and offer the latest technology.


• VILLA BUILDING Scandiano. Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations.
• Building in places Spezzano (MO). Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations.
• Oratory of S. ROCCO - Campogalliano (MO). Traces of stucco restoration, rehabilitation and relocation in the findings.
• CHURCH OF ST MARTIN'S LITTLE TO CORRECT (RE). Integration of the missing decorations on pilasters of the Presbytery.
• MAIN HOUSE (PR). Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations.

The last restoration work, supervised by the Superintendence, were held at the following sites:

• PARISH OF ST PETER AND PAUL. S. Polo Denza (R.E.) 1999. Stratigraphy and dowels for cleaning the moldings, walls and ceilings of the aisles.
• RANGONE PALACE (RE) years from 2000 to 2001. Restoration, consolidation of Arellano and reconstruction of the ceiling decorations.
• SOLMA PALACE (MW) in 2002. Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations on the ceiling.
• San Nicola Church 'of Carpi (MO) 2003. Restoration of two panels of canvas and a wooden decorated, located on the back of the organ.
• VILLA POOL AND ON THE LONG NILE IN EGYPT CAIRO. Restoring tinted exterior. Design and manufacture of decorative trompe l'oeil paintings of 12 of the size of 3 m. x 4 m with a balustrade depicting tropical landscapes in the foreground.

In 2004, in collaboration with the C.N.A. Reggio Emilia, where for several years I played duties as President of Artistic and traditional (which includes also the field in the Restoration), the consortium was formed to "restore" the combination of small and medium-sized enterprises, associate in CME. Restoration carried out mainly within the Public Works, covering a wide range of activities in the RESTORATION OF WORKS OF ART and real estate sectors: wood, textiles, paintings, stone material. Able in particular to perform work on the consolidation works of Arellano and wooden ceilings, decorated, maintenance of works of art, restoration, renovation of buildings, offering clients a range of services, without giving up their own reality and individual business.
With the consortium "restore" I run, collaborating with other companies, several restoration of wall paintings and artefacts natural and artificial stone.
One of these involved two chapels: the "Chapel of the Crucifix" and "Chapel of the Pilgrim", in the Cathedral of Reggio Emilia, acting on the wall paintings, stucco, natural and artificial stone artefacts.

YEAR 2006

• Baggiovara MONASTERY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF MODENA. Design and implementation of the decoration on the facade of 4m.x 3m. depicting the annu
• 8 PAINTINGS FOR VILLA FOR overdoor MADE IN PLACE OF THE ANGELS 'Codemondo of Reggio Emilia. Design and implementation of the decorations on canvas depicting cherubs with vase of flowers and garlands.
• Malaguzzi CASINO IN PLACE 'IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF Canola CORREGGIO of Reggio Emilia. Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations in the staircase.
• VILLAGE "THE VIOLE" IN foothills of Reggio E. IN PLACE 'WRONG. Design and construction of interior decoration and tinted.
• STAIRCASE OF BUILDING SITE IN Selmin center of Reggio Emilia. Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations and tinted.

YEAR 2007

• CASTLE IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF Bianello of four castles in the Reggio Emilia Maintenance of movable and immovable property in the hallway, basement, dining room, kitchen and Emilia.
• CHURCH OF ST PHILIP IN THE HISTORICAL CENTER OF ROME E. Restoration of the ceiling, choir, murals and decorated portal.

• manor house in Correggio (RE). Design and implementation of internal and external decorations.

YEAR 2008

• ARC NAPOLEONIC LOCATED ON THE ROAD IN THE HISTORICAL CENTER OF ROME EMILIA. Restoration of decorative reliefs and painted wall hangings.

MAJESTY • 38 'in the countries of Cecciola, Miscoso and Succisa IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF Ramiseto of Reggio Emilia. Restoration of images apotropaic votive reliefs in Carrara marble.
• CHURCH of Sabbioni near Reggio Emilia. Restoration of the baptismal font and peep stucco decorated in faux marble.
• VILLA IN PLACE OF '400 'Kingdom in the municipality of Reggio Emilia. Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations and tinted.
• Valsenio HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY OF THE TOWN OF Rimella VARALLO. Realization of Tromp oeil decoration representing the inside of a barn-style with two shepherdesses.

YEAR 2009

• COUNTRY HOUSE IN PLACE 'IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF Canola CORREGGIO of Reggio Emilia. Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations on the ceilings of the rooms on 1 floor.
• STAIRCASE OF BUILDING SITE IN SPALLETTI center of Reggio Emilia. Completion of the restoration and reconstruction of the decorations in the entrance hall and main tinted.
• CASTLE IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF FOUR Bianello Castles in the province of Reggio Emilia.
And structural restoration of the plaster and stucco and restore the original tinted the staircase.

YEAR 2010

• COUNTRY HOUSE IN PLACE 'IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF Canola CORREGGIO of Reggio Emilia. Restoration and reconstruction of the decorations on the ceilings of the rooms on the ground floor.

• restoration and structural consolidation of the plaster and tiles and bars in many areas of detached stucco relief in the rooms and staircase, integration of modeling with restoration of the original tinted glaze with lime and coating.


• LIVING THE TIME (Verona) 1994 Present in the cultural sector in Emilia Romagna - Design and decoration made under the supervision of the architect. Bratello ..
• S.A.I.E. 2 (Bologna) 1995 Active in the field of restoration construction
• HOUSE AND TABLE - Body fair R.E. - Proven participation in the arts since 1990.
• ANTIQUES FAIR - Fair Board R.E. 1999
• FURNITURE FAIR (PR) 2003-2004.

The figure of the "restorer and decorator" should be recognized in its thickness even when it belongs to the professional cultural stereotype of "artisan" because, although they can regardless of the dense network of interactions involving the global conservation intervention, it is this figure, with his passion, his dexterity and his ability to physically intervene on the work.
The most complete availability and competence obviously concerns interventions "decoration from scratch" to which I devoted myself with great satisfaction, as you can evaluate the photographic material.
Finally, I sincerely hope I have given an opportunity to prove my skills by working together, then, with your company.

Luigi Esposito

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