Italy > Lombardia > Milano Motta Visconti 20086

Scotti Sara is a Graphic study from Motta Visconti


I offer graphic communication projects such as trademarks, logos, forms, brochures, layouts graphics/publishing, flyers, posters, posters, publications sector, exhibition stand graphics, graphics for Read more

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I offer graphic communication projects such as trademarks, logos, forms, brochures, layouts graphics/publishing, flyers, posters, posters, publications sector, exhibition stand graphics, graphics for packaging, labels for wine labels, glass products .. .
Dynamism, punctuality, precision and high availability to client/agency are the main features of my activities.
Contact me preferably [email protected] or telephone 3383421699.
Sara Scotti

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano Motta Visconti 20086
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