Italy > Lazio > Frosinone

la locanda del ditirambo is a Event location from Castro Dei Volsci


The Ditirambo Inn is the first (and certified) “albergo diffuso” in Ciociaria: Old abandoned houses in the medieval Centre has been preserved, transformed and renovated with modern comforts. So not Read more

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The Ditirambo Inn is the first (and certified) “albergo diffuso” in Ciociaria: Old abandoned houses in the medieval Centre has been preserved, transformed and renovated with modern comforts. So not anonymous corridors but ancient lanes and pathways, not modern lifts but characteristic stone steps will bring you to all the classic parts of our hotel. You will become a “resident for time” in an existing social and cultural context enjoying real Italy.
tel: +39 0775 662091

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Address : Italy > Lazio > Frosinone
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